(redirected from Syntax.DFA)
A finite automaton is a finite state machine in which certain states are identified as accepting. The language accepted by a finite automataton consists of the labels of all the paths from an initial state to an accepting state.
See: http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Deterministic_finite_automaton
In the DOT format, accepting states are denoted by a double circle, following the standard convention. For instance, the dot encoding for the Toy DFA benchmark is:
digraph g { __start0 [label="" shape="none"] s1 [shape="doublecircle" label="s1"] s2 [shape="circle" label="s2"] __start0 -> s1 s1 -> s2[label="0"] s1 -> s1[label="1"] s2 -> s1[label="0"] s2 -> s2[label="1"] }